Category: Learn.

  • How to get better ideas

    Ideas and innovation don’t generally emerge from a single point, team or a company. They don’t jump to existence in sterile offices, by employees pushed or forced to think about innovation. They emerge over coffee tables, over lunch or beer, when seemingly irrelevant parties talk about random shit. An idea needs versatility and variety to…

  • How would you feel reading your own biography?

    What the hell am I talking about? Simple thing – if someone decided to write your biography, an article in the news or a movie about your life, how would you feel about it?

  • Perseverance

    “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”  ― Confucius Today, I received some good news that I already gave up on over a month ago. But I still kept poking it each week, and now, I am 172.15 GBP richer, which inspired me to this quick dump of thoughts.

  • How to do all the things you want, without breaking yourself

    Do you have a list of things you should be doing, but are struggling to? Do you want to do many things that would make you feel like you´re achieving something, but you just can´t see the end of it and end up feeling tired, lazy or like you´re not achieving much? I know where you´re…

  • Routine

    I was stuck in a routine last two weeks. Bad huh? No, the opposite. I like my routine. I own my routine, it doesn´t own me. I created it the way I like it and filled it with things I want to do. It´s MY routine. The word “routine” is almost always associated with a…

  • Temazcal

    Yesterday, I participated in a Temazcal (sweat lodge). Thanks to Francesco and Cecilia, proud owners of an amazing cob house and great people, for making this happen. The ceremony takes place in a hand built tent, around 3 meters in diameter, where we somehow managed to ram in around 35 people. In the middle, there´s a hole…