Hi there!

Thanks for popping in. I’m Lukas.

Go-getter and free thinker, traveller, a stoic-skeptic, striving to live a balanced, low-stress and productive life, stay strong and fit and improve the lives of those I care about.

I learn things fast. I find and try many options, and quickly figure out what works and what doesn’t. Let me help you find the best way to your success. I feel best in these areas: eCommerce – selling and marketing things online, WordPress web design, website management and optimisation – speed & SEO, and project management.

I quit a great career in London, to live a more fulfilled life, by my values. I have been travelling, living in various countries around the world and working for myself since May 2012.

I can help you focus on what you are good at by doing what I’m good at: Project Management, Pricing strategy, SEO, Webdesign and solutions for websites.

Read more on my LinkedIn page.

I publish my thoughts, experiences and life philosophy on sensimism.com – Sensimism, a philosophy inspired by nature – helping people achieve a healthier life, relationships and finances.

Read about my latest hobby – car camping on nimblecamper.com.

I also write on Steemit.com or Medium.com.

My projects:

nimblecamper.com – Your guide to sleeping and camping in everyday cars… and more

Nimble.help – web solutions, WordPress site management, honest and human approach to building websites for a fair price, multilingual sites using WPML

sensimism.com – Sensimism, a philosophy inspired by nature – helping people achieve a healthier life, relationships and finances

www.lacnatvorbawebstranok.comdesigning premium websites for a good price, e-commerce, multilingual sites using WPML – slovak market.

www.veganstvo.org – slovak site about veganism, animal rights and healthy food choices.

www.posveteposvojom.com – thoughts and travel experiences. Might be a bit out of date…

Check out Hand painted ahimsa (peace) silk scarves at www.artbubblesilk.com – one of my latest projects I helped with :).

Latest thoughts

Chatcoding: chat your way to coding a plugin in WordPress

How I used ChatGPT 4 Plus to create a convenient WordPress function without having to code anything. Saved me hours and hours of my and the client’s time. How I “chatcoded” a plugin :). I am not a coder, nor a developer who writes code. I can read any code well, I can make edits…

FREE Dividend meter – Google Finance formula adjusted

First published on my Steemit.com. If you’re a dividend investor, you probably came across the Dividend Meter. It’s a great way to start, you even get 7 days free trial. Worth the 7 USD per month to get you started. I searched long and hard to find an aggregate tool with all the necessary data…

How to get better ideas

Ideas and innovation don’t generally emerge from a single point, team or a company. They don’t jump to existence in sterile offices, by employees pushed or forced to think about innovation. They emerge over coffee tables, over lunch or beer, when seemingly irrelevant parties talk about random shit. An idea needs versatility and variety to…

Activism: Realistic expectations or why we (mostly) see it in the wrong timespan

Originally published on my steemit.com blog on December 9, 2018. We live in a day and age of activism, causes and speaking up against inequality, cruelty or fighting for a better, more sustainable lifestyle. And it is amazing! I am a very grateful to be able to watch and read inspiring stories, philosophies or ideas from…

Where I’ve been…

More about my travels on Travellerspoint.com